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In The News This Memorial Day Monday- Honoring our soldiers And Taking A Look At The Events of Recent Days

Remembering America’s Finest

A most “generous” Dave Matthews

Obama’s Quick Response To The Gulf Crisis

Harry Reid’s Irresponsible Statements

Obama’s Lame Words At West Point

Another Piece To Obama’s puzzle


America’s Finest

It is most fitting to take pause to remember all of our hero’s of the various wars that they fought and died for so that we all could taste sweet freedom. From our Founders to our brave men and women serving overseas this very day. Take a minute out this Memorial day and say a prayer for the fallen and those that were and are wounded. Because they did what they did for you and I.

For a wonderful testimony go here:

Read these beautiful words: 

Freedom Is Not Free
Kelly Strong

I watched the flag pass by one day. It fluttered in the breeze.
A young Marine saluted it,
and then he stood at ease.
I looked at him in uniform
So young, so tall, so proud,
He’d stand out in any crowd.
I thought how many men like him
Had fallen through the years.
How many died on foreign soil?
How many mothers’ tears?
How many pilots’ planes shot down?
How many died at sea?
How many foxholes were soldiers’ graves?
No, freedom isn’t free.

I heard the sound of TAPS one night,
When everything was still
I listened to the bugler play
And felt a sudden chill.
I wondered just how many times
That TAPS had meant "Amen,"
When a flag had draped a coffin
Of a brother or a friend.
I thought of all the children,
Of the mothers and the wives,
Of fathers, sons and husbands
With interrupted lives.
I thought about a graveyard
At the bottom of the sea
Of unmarked graves in Arlington.
No, freedom isn’t free

And this, although I know not the author, maybe someone will please enlighten me as to who wrote these meaningful and true words

It Is The Veteran
* It is the veteran, not the preacher, who has given you freedom of religion.
* It is the veteran, not the reporter, who has given you freedom of the press.
* It is the veteran, not the poet, who has given you freedom of speech.
* It is the veteran, not the protester, who has given you freedom to assemble.
* It is the veteran, not the lawyer, who has given you the right to a fair trial.
* It is the veteran, not the politician, who has given you the right to vote.
* It is the veteran, who salutes the Flag, who serves under the Flag, whose coffin is draped by the Flag.

A most “generous” Dave Matthews

Rocker Dave Matthews insists that it is all well and good if Americans be made to pay more for petrol. He also said maybe we less famous and poor folks should maybe ride bicycles instead of say, riding in a bus 300 days out of a year like he does. We won’t even get into the vehicles that carry his equipment, that he fails to mention. Quite a “carbon footprint.”

Hey Dave, maybe you have forgot where you came from, eh? That’s right, you came from South Africa to all of this fame and fortune here in the great America. I understand you moved here finally to avoid being drafted into the service of your own country. Not very patriotic Dave.

Anyway, how about this. I propose you give every person in the United States their increase for the gas you seem so willing to have “us” pay? I mean you are worth close to 250 million bucks, right? I really think that you could handle that. Not only that, but these people are the very people that have made you rich by purchasing your CD’s and attending your concerts.

Oh yeah, Dave, your take on pulling all soldiers out of both concerts and Afghanistan is really a brilliant idea also buddy. I do think you are trying to tick off every man and woman that has served on both these fronts. What of the soldiers that have lost limbs, suffered head injuries and lost close friends? Yeah Dave, lets just pack up and go. We’ll just forget about the sacrifice and the families that would end up losing loved ones for nothing. Real smart Dave. Let us ponder Ronald Reagan’s words once again:

[L]et us make a vow to our dead. Let us show them by our actions that we understand what they died for. Strengthened by their courage, heartened by their valor, and borne by their memory, let us continue to stand for the ideals for which they lived and died." –Ronald Reagan at Pointe du Hoc, 1984

What do you think Dave? Maybe you should write a song of honor for our American hero’s so that you won’t forget what sacrifice means. Maybe you already have wrote that song, I don’t know. I don’t much care for your music anyway.

Although I have never liked your music Dave, now I don’t think I like you very much either. I don’t know, I think it may have something to do with your obvious inflated ego and  holier than thou attitude. Not to mention that you are a classic example of a lily livered left wing nut job, so into yourself that you cannot think properly.

Finally I must say to you, stick it Dave!

The Lame-stream Media Strikes Again

I seem to remember back a few years ago when sacrifice struck the Southern States, especially New Orleans, that the media clamored poor George W. Bush’s back from jump-street. No mercy at all for the poor man.

And now, fast forward to the Gulf of Mexico situation that is happening now. Gee, you can hear a pin drop in the various news outlets. President Obama was probably busy for a week, you know doing presidential things. Like basketball, Golf, reading his favorite bible, “Rules For Radicals.”

Funny how this works, you know? Over a week goes by and not so much as a peep, except from guess who? Fox News. Hey, do you think maybe there’s something to these claims that you can hear “all” of the news with Fox? And their News is even fair and balanced!

No wonder no one is watching Chris Matthews, Keith Olbermann, or Rachel Maddow. With these so called “journalist’s” your lucky to get real news. If you do, you receive their take on the reports. And sometimes you receive nothing at all. And finally you might receive half the stories. I have a special take on that last one. You see, when you tell half of the story, that is like lying, at least that is what my momma taught me.

Harry Reid And His Creative Charges

A few days ago senator Harry Reid charged that “some on the Republican side” have called out-of-work Americans “bums” and “hobos.” Nice play on word’s senator.

As Reid has another one of his senior moments, he is once again busy twisting words as all good progressives do. Keep reading you will find that the words spoken by the Republican official’s ring very true. Leave it up to Reid once again to deny the truth.

The exact quotes that Mr. Reid is speaking of in this vein was this: 

Senator Jon Kyl had said that unemployment insurance doesn’t create new jobs. In fact, if anything, “continuing to pay people unemployment compensation is a disincentive for them to seek new work.”

Now, the question I have is this, is that statement true, or not? I believe it is to a certain degree. Although here in Michigan with over 12% unemployment, most folks have no choice. Hey Harry, do you think there are people out there taking advantage of the situation? No? Then your nuttier than I thought.

Mr. Reid wants to take that statement and and put a sinister spin on it to make Senator Kyl appear oh so hard and uncaring. I wish instead of ruining the country Senator Reid could do some real representing  other than just moving his lips, as usual. This is so typical of liberal progressives though. They will never change until the people of this country have finally had enough.

In referring to Representative Dean Heller who had questioned the need for extending unemployment benefits, he asked, “Is the government now creating hobo’s?”

Can Mr. Reid lend any credence that what Heller offers is true or not? Of course not. His only aim once again is to try and lead people to believe that Republicans are heartless and do not care for Americans, and, he and his bunch are the most caring, loving people on the face of the planet. How touching.

Millionaire Reid does not have a special place in his heart for those less fortunate than himself or Democrats. What Reid and his pals care about is keeping their cushy jobs “and power.” I think that is most obvious and clear.

Sorry “Dirty Harry.” I can see right through you. But more importantly, your constituents are finally beginning to see through you as well. Better late than never I guess. Come November, it’s goodbye Harry! Halleluiah!

President Obama’s Hollow Words To West Point Graduates

You know, I was hoping so deeply that as our nations best graduate’s this year at West Point would have agreed together to shun handshakes from their pretender–in–chief and instead walked past him looking right into his eyes.

Until Obama can clear up this eligibility issue that he is essentially covering up, then our military does have an obligation to see to it that Mr. Obama is genuinely qualified to be “commander-in-chief.”

Why in the world has Obama spent around 2 million dollars to put a lid on all information pertaining to him and his paper trail? Why does he not respond to questions, logical questions, that could clear this whole thing up in short order?

I must say that all evidence so far is inconsistent with what little Obama has offered as proof of his citizenship in this country. However, there is another slant on this that I have been entertaining for quite some time as well. This may be a simple fact of Obama not wanting his school records viewed because they would show him to be average. It is a fact as we have come to know that he is not exactly the Harvard scholar he so much would like us to believe. They most likely would also show his socialist tendencies.

At any rate there are so many other questions that have gone unanswered by Obama. I believe it is obvious he is hiding something damning to his credibility. The truth will come out sooner or later. It looks as though the truth will wait until much damage is done to our great nation. That is the shame of it all.

Obama Adds Another Marxist To His Mix

President Obama is staying the course with his appointment of Marxist “Ben Scott” who was serving as the head of the George Soros funded and socialist “Free press.”

You may remember the notable communist “Van Jones?” You remember, he was tagged by Obama to be his Green Jobs czar? He then resigned when America found him out. He is a certified commie. By the way, thanks Glenn Beck!

First of all this “Free Press” is anything but a free press seeing how Ben Scott supports government control of the internet. They at Free Press call it “saving the internet.” Well now, that’ll grab peoples attention! And I would be all for it, if it was legit that is. Once again Obama’s dream of a socialist America is manifested by the company he adds to his White House  gang of merry men and women.

They are forever coming up with the coolest names for their slew of czars. How’s this? “Policy Adviser for Innovation” at the State Department. That’s a neat new job Obama and crew made up. Here’s the official lingo from NPR (National Public Radio):The Obama administration has created the White House Office of Social Innovation and Civic Participation. The idea is for the government to work with nonprofit organizations to identify programs that have had proven success in tackling social problems, such as homelessness and joblessness, and then to expand those programs across the country. The office will in effect provide seed money for the most innovative ideas. (Emphasis mine)

More evidence that Obama is the socialist that he denies he is. Once again I repeat; “birds of a feather sure nuff fly together! Actions speak volumes, while his words ring hollow and dull. As dull as his teleprompter when it falls over. Obama can speak for 1 hour and say absolutely nothing. However, he sure knows his way around “Chicago style politics”. But wait, lately he is even screwing that up. I’ll get into that more next week. Until then, have a safe and happy Memorial day.

Greetings Fellow Patriots

I am a Conservative and love my country. And, I have opinions. Of course, not all will agree with me on every thought, and I do not expect everyone to. But as Americans we should wish for a better place for our children, and, grand-children. I would hope that all thinking Americans reflect on the dreams and aspirations of our Forefathers and their Fathers before them. This is, and has been a great country for some 200 years, and I pray that we can somehow pull together and keep America vital and strong for years to come.
I welcome all thoughts and comments from truthful and serious readers. Thank you.
"A cruce salus"

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