Archive for the 'journalists' Category

Tea Party Racism? Nice Try, Progressives-No Cigar

Blog The NAACP,, the New Black Panthers, among others, are all in trash mode right now. You might say that the mainstream media are actually doing some real reporting for a change. Too bad they are reporting lies and a garbage load of unproven crapola from these leftist organizations.  These groups working in tandem with all of the progressives want America to believe that the growing Tea Party movement is  racist, violent and have a hatred towards anyone not white and “right.” It’s simply an unproven charge made in order to defeat us.

It is apparent that the left is doing all they can to discredit a real and wonderful political movement by hurling the racist card. Combined with plants at the Tea Party rallies that carry signs and yell out unbecoming language in an attempt to give the impression that we are racist, it is such a sickening low down dirty trick that actually works to a certain degree. However, as we have seen, it can also backfire. 

It’s hard to contain myself. I have two different emotions that run through me at the same time. One, I have this urge to laugh at these fools as they try to stir up seeds of discontent. Two, sadly, I  borrow a phrase from the Holy Bible, they want Americans to believe “evil is good and good is evil.” As a Christian myself, I truly feel sorry for these people.

As for the NAACP they have devolved into an entity of discord that can not be trusted with matters of real and true racism. They now represent a group of whiners that snivel and cry “victimhood” whenever they cannot get what they want. I wonder just what Martin Luther King Jr., one of my all time hero’s by the way, would think of these misfits. Here is what Michelle Malkin has to say:

"In just a few short decades, the stalwart strivers for equality have turned into coddled whiners for hypersensitivity. The NAACP is a laughingstock. The group no longer represents the best interests of oppressed minorities, but the thin-skinned whims of the black elite and the ravenous appetite of the Nanny State. Establishment civil rights leaders now use their once-compelling moral authority to hector, bully and shake down corporate and political targets." is just continuing down the same old path of socialistic ideals. Saul Alinsky would be so very proud. Wonder what Alinsky thinks about it all now? Just asking.

I have a question. Who are the real racist’s in this country? The Tea Party? Really? The Tea Party movement’s ranks consist of white, black, brown, red and yellow people. So we can rightly come to the conclusion that those that label this movement as being racist’s are unfortunately either honestly mistaken, or, they are lowdown liars. Maybe a mixture of both? Of course whites make up the majority of the movements ranks. Whites make up the majority in the whole of America! Why would this be considered odd? Please, explain this to me, if you can.

To our dear progressive friends, I unfortunately have to inform to you that the Tea Party cannot be replicated merely by attempting an un-spontaneous “I can do what you can do better!” That would be like replicating the noble actions of the original Founding Fathers back when this country was formed. Yes that’s right. I’m comparing the Tea Party to our founders.

Progressive’s stand for everything opposite of the founders of this country. They have no regard for the Constitution that they pretend to love and uphold. Just as they pretend a love for God and His word. Socialist’s, Marxist’s or communist’s have always been atheist’s, and atheist’s they will always be. They are more interested in their own vain agenda, which in pretending to help others they help themselves to plenty. That is why socialism, Marxism, or communism will never work. These groups complain about the dirty capitalistic “fat cats” without so much as a word about the socialistic government fat cats that they ultimately desire to replace them with.

The progressives hate the Tea Party group so much that they are attempting to replicate them for their own pitiful excuse for a movement. I have a name for their movement if they are interested. How about “the Socialist Movement?” I know, not too original, but definitely accurate.

Russ Jones from OneNewsNow – 7/14/2010 says:

A group of liberal political leaders and civil rights activists want to replicate the Tea Party movement in an effort to bolster the alleged "progressive movement."

The new group called "One Nation" consists of 170 of the country’s leading liberal leaders who say the coalition is to "counter the Tea Party narrative." Organizers have launched their movement under the moniker "all the change" they voted for, seeking to energize the base that elected Barack Obama in 2008. The Washington Post reports that among the groups involved with One Nation are the National Council of La Raza, the NAACP, the AFL-CIO, and the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) — groups which together represent "the core of the first-time voters" who backed Obama, notes the Post.

Notice that everyone of these groups have a history of bully tactics, and, get mighty angry when they cannot have their way. Victimhood at it’s finest.

Now, you can take note of what I say today. Our very own Founders took up arms against a Kingdom of brutal tyranny that cared for their own selfish desires rather than the people. These cretins (the English) had no problem committing evil deeds in the form of treating Americans as if they were rats that lived under the streets of London. They enjoyed taking from the people what they had no right taking. They had no regard for the will of the people. The had no problem taxing the people enormously just because they could. Sound familiar? Am I mad? You bet your sweet bippy I’m mad.

Now don’t get me wrong. I am not calling for America to bear arms. The only ones that have been violent for the last 100 years or so have been the progressives. Yeah, that’s right. The smug holier than thou Democratic progressive socialist know it alls, that love to make out as if they care for the poor, and, downtrodden. Give me a break! Show me a Washington politician that is not rich. Well, except for Joe Biden that is. That guy could never balance a checkbook if his life depended on it.

And this goes for the so called career Republican’s “in name only” in Washington as well. For example, the newly elected Scott Brown, who might as well pull an Arlen Spector right now and get it over with. He has so far emulated a progressive more than a true Conservative.

As for the Tea Party and racism… here is a take on it by one of the movements more vocal supporters, Lloyd Marcus:

The NAACP Resolution proclaiming the Tea Party Movement to be racist is motivated by hate and fear. Though well disguised in intellectual rhetoric, underneath festers hate and fear. Along with their underlying resentment of whites and non forgiveness of America’s sins of the past, the NAACP has become zealots for the religion of Progressivism which preaches victimhood-ism and entitlement. The NAACP are the true racists whose secret motto is "Keep Hate & Victimhood-ism Alive."

Mr. Marcus is a member of the Tea Party, and, black by the way. Yes, and the black victim radical progressives attack him with their oh so familiar “Uncle Tom” epithet. Typical.

Know Thy Enemy – If Your Allowed To That Is

140px-Flag_of_Hezbollah.svg We, the United States, are at war. I just can’t seem to figure out who it is we are at war with. I would like to know who our enemy is, wouldn’t you? President Obama does not want us to refer to the Islamic terrorists as… well, Islamic terrorists! So we couldn’t be at war with them, right?

According to the White House, we are not at war with Islamic radicalism, nor Muslim extremists. Nor are we warring against fundamental Muslim radicals. Are we at war with militant Jihadist’s? Taliban freedom fighters? Gosh, I just cannot figure this out at all.

Now, while we’re mulling over just what the politically correct term actually is for this “after schoolyard fight” we have been waging,  Obama worries that we just might hurt someone’s feelings if we call it as we see it. I’m sorry, but as I write this, many of American’s finest hero’s are dying and are being maimed over sea’s at the hands of “someone!”

Three thousand or more died in the Twin Towers attack. But who attacked? Was it really just a “man made disaster,” as H.L.S. director Janet Napolitano has told us? Or was this an attack by Muslim Islamist’s with hatred in their collective heart’s for all that are not like they are?

Let’s see, I remember a suicide bomber with a pickup truck that was loaded with explosives ramming into the U.S. Embassy in Beirut, Lebanon. Sixty-three people were killed, 17 were Americans, eight were employees of the Central Intelligence Agency, including chief Middle East analyst Robert C. Ames and station chief Kenneth Haas.

President Reagan’s team discovered that the attack was carried out by “Hezbollah” operatives, a Lebanese militant “Islamic group” whose anti-U.S. sentiments were sparked in part by the revolution in Iran. The Hezbollah operatives who carried out the attack on the embassy reportedly were receiving support from both Iran and “Syria,” you know, the same Syria ex-president Jimmy Carter and Nancy Pelosi are good buddies with.

Then that same year, 1983,  a suicide bomber blew a truck full of explosives at a U.S. Marine barracks located at Beirut International Airport; 241 U.S. Marines were killed and more than 100 others wounded. They were part of a contingent of 1,800 Marines that had been sent to Lebanon as part of a multinational force to help separate the warring Lebanese factions. Once again Iran and Syria are implicated in this cowardly attack. Of course Hezbollah denies their involvement.

Again in 1983 the American embassy in Kuwait was bombed in a series of attacks whose targets also included the French embassy, the control tower at the airport, the country’s main oil refinery, and a residential area for employees of the American corporation Raytheon. Six people were killed, and more than 80 others were injured.

In Aukar, northeast of Beirut, a truck bomb exploded outside the U.S. Embassy annex killing 24 people, two of whom were U.S. military personnel. According to the U.S. State Department’s 1999 report on terrorist organizations, elements of Hezbollah are "known or suspected to have been involved" in the bombing. Once again Hezbollah is implicated.

I can go on and on. You should be able to get the idea. We have an invisible enemy killing our people I guess. Don’t call it as you see it though, that is politically incorrect. Who is Hezbollah and where are they located. Well lordy, lordy, this Islamic “fraternity” is now operating right here under our noses. Check it out.

This is getting to be a real farce, and, people of this country are getting sick and tired of the “dance around the issues” that the mainstream media do not want to confront. Excepting for the Fox News network, we know little of the real issues of the day.

Our young men and women fighting over sea’s are hero’s, and these so called politician’s and journalists are a bunch of spineless vermin that need to either muster some guts or just go hide behind their employers dresses and let some real men and women get on with what needs to be said and done.

These progressives know their days are numbered, and so they are going to do as much damage to this country as possible with the time they have left. Mr. Obama is a Muslim! How dare he deny it to our faces. He is a socialist progressive Muslim. Wow, what a combination. I have witnessed a lot in my 58 years, but I never dreamed that we would be in the stinking mess we find ourselves in today.

At question is another point of interest. Why is the Obama administration kowtowing to Muslims while in effect thumbing his upturned nose at mainstream America? Islam comes first! Simple.

The Truth Is Revealing The “Real” Obama

I would love to write today that president Obama is one of the finest presidents this country has ever known. Lord knows in this day and age we surely need a great leader. But I’m sorry. I cannot proclaim that statement as a fact. Not even close. The irreparable harm this man is causing our country is beyond compare with any president ever, including Jimmy Carter. As far as I’m concerned, he is definitely a flop in every respect. It’s a shame really.

What was revealed about Barack Hussein Obama during his run for president was a thin veil of the man he truly is. The left leaning media fell for this charlatan so deeply that it is now almost impossible to admit that they were wrong even if they wanted to. They shielded him, and covered for him at every turn. He could do no wrong. And sadly, after a while I believe Obama began to believe all the hype and silly nonsense that the left were gleefully showering upon him. At any rate he is now taking great advantage of the whole situation.

If the media would have rightly performed their journalistic duties, and, vetted the man they had much too early crowned as America’s, no, “the world’s” Savior, we might not be in this mess we find ourselves in today. I’m sorely afraid that there are no true journalists today. What we have today for the most part are reporters that spread their own brand of leftist idea’s and sentiments.

Although many elements contribute to Mr. Obama’s wanton arrogance and outright narcissism tendencies, he is so out of touch with reality that there is no turning back now. He is fully entrenched in his awful tendencies to upend our Constitution and  basic rights. He seems to go out of his way to throw his weight around, and, he smirks at America as he does it. Yes, welcome to Chicago politics at it’s finest. He publically responds to his foes in a manner that surpasses any semblance of class that should be a part of a president’s persona. In my research I have not yet found any one president of the United States that has ever stooped to such lows as our present supposed leader. 

It is plain that Obama feels he is above any and all people great and small. Just look at what he has already done. He pushed his unpopular Obama-care that America is dead set against. Same goes for amnesty for “illegal” immigrant’s. He has not done squat for the Southern border countries, and, now has committed the ultimate attack upon the majority of American’s by filing a silly lawsuit against Arizona. He cares not about majority America. It is clear that what he truly cares about is his own socialist progressive agenda.

Barack Hussein Obama was actually groomed for this “job.” He was trained from the time he was a boy until he was sworn in as president in the ways of the Marxist ideals. We know by his own account that he was actively seeking out activists (Marxist’s) as friends while he attended school’s here in the states. Let me add that it looks as though the so called “birther’s” were right in their claims that Obama is not a U.S. citizen after all. What should happen if this is really the case? Well, I know what should happen, but I also know what will not happen. He will skate! Plain and simple. This is another shame. We may as well throw our Constitution in the fireplace. 

It is an established fact that Obama was friends with the wayward American terrorist William Ayers both before and after his school days. Yeah, he hung out with a terrorist. Obama lied about this fact when he said Ayers was just a neighbor of his that he hardly knew. America was duped by this man and his progressive backers. You can believe that socialist’s, Marxist’s and communist’s all were as happy as sea gulls in a fresh pile of dumped trash when he was elected president.

Getting down to brass tacks though, the truth has a habit of catching up with all individuals good or bad sooner or later. Especially individuals with dark shady pasts. Just like the dark past of Barack Hussein Obama for instance. And doubly so since president Obama is making such obvious efforts to keep his past as secret as possible and for as long as possible. What has he to fear?

Everyone knows that politician’s are known for their lies. It is expected it seems. You can go back and search my articles and see if that is true with president Obama. For example, president Obama stated while he was running for president, that he was unequivocally a Christian. He showed disdain for those that would remotely suggest that he was secretly a… shall I say it? A Muslim. Well, he has admitted such to another Muslim; even as he uses the Christian bible to eulogize Senator Byrd this past week.

As a side note, let me suggest that Mr. Obama refrain from using scripture if he is going to use it out of context like he did on that day. This truly shows his ignorance of the Bible that he claims to follow as a Christian. I submit that president Obama knows the Koran much better than the Bible. 

I do not blame my fellow Americans too much for getting caught up in  all of Obama’s “hope and change” shtick. He popped up on the scene at the right moment and said all the right things. Oh, how he was going to change the world! Well, he is changing things all right. Changing things to meet his agenda that is. And yes, people are waking up to this fact. Lets hope it is not too late for Americans to right this horrid wrong we have been inflicted with. I can only hope and pray that we have learned our lesson and that we will take appropriate actions.

There are two wrongs that will not be righted though. The installations of Obama’s picks for the Supreme Court. We can only imagine what will happen with these progressive Justice’s that have no respect for the Constitution as it was written. Instead of making sure that the rule of law will be followed, these two women, “the wise” Latina, Judge Sonia Sotomayor, and, now the anti-military, pro-abortion, anti-gun, “lying” Elena Kagan” will most assuredly inject their own idea’s and thoughts into their decisions while seated upon the bench. Of course they both believe in the “living Constitution” lie.

Lord help us if Obama gets another pick for a Supreme Court Justice between now and the end of his term. Let’s also pray that his “reign” is just one term.

If Conservative’s and all good folk’s ever had a goal to achieve, it had better be to rid our country of this dark and shady blob that pervades our political landscape. It had better be the removal of all the rancid political progressive’s that have invaded our government riding on that same Obama “hope and change” express. I am not too partial to “thug politics.” I cannot stand the sound of those so called aides Obama has hired being called “czars” like we’re living in 19th century Russia or something. 

President Obama barely had sworn in with his hand upon the Holy Bible to uphold the Constitution in our Capital, (I must admit to entertaining the thought that his second swearing in was with the Koran) when he began his socialist blitzkrieg to expand government and lay siege of mortgage companies, auto companies, and worse of all national Health Care. Marxist’s, socialist’s communist’s and progressive’s all are rejoicing today, believe me.

Getting back to the Constitution of the United States. You know, the one that Obama “swore” to uphold?  I charge that president Obama is committing serious acts of treason. It seems if he does not like a federal law, he simply thumbs his nose at them. For example, in Arizona, the law makers decided, because of escalating violence from illegal aliens to enforce existing federal law. Obama has said that Arizona’s “new/old law” is misguided. He has threatened through his administration to take them to court. Which Constitution is Obama upholding? I thought Obama was an American law scholar? Right!

Obama is now taking on Arizona in court in order to overturn their law, which really is federal law. How does that work? How do you sue a state which in effect is finally enforcing our own federal law on illegal immigration? I think America should sue Obama for dereliction of duties by not protecting the citizens he is sworn to defend. If you’ve seen the news you know that drug cartels have set up shop even on American soil.

Folks, all I can say now is that when you have the opportunity, do what is right for our country. Do the right thing and work at ridding our country of these snakes that are slithering around our nations capital looking for who they might devour. We now have the ability to “take advantage in a crisis.” Let’s make sure we make full use of it.

That’s It Progressives, Keep Inciting Conservatives – It’s Sure Helping Us to Organize And Grow

Well, here we go. Obama recruits a new “little Marxist” by the name of Ben Scott to help them gain control of free speech. That is my “opinion” by the way that I offer because of my right to free speech. And because of my 1st Amendment right, I can repeat what I perceive as truth as many times as I like.

Another reason to rally our troops. As Americans we cannot allow these socialist traitors gain a foothold without a fight. No, not a physical fight. But a fight with organizing and words of truth.

Our fine new White House addition Scott, supports government control of the internet and lo and behold, that was his job at “Free Press.” How is government control “free press” by the way? They at Free Press call it “saving the internet.” What it amounts to is stifling people that speak out against

what they believe in. How do I know that? Well, guess who sponsors Free Press? Give up? Our socialist billionaire buddy George Soros!

So, Scott no more than unpacks in is new cushy office on the Hill, when, who would have guessed? A letter arrives just in time for Scott to jump into action. This letter in short is from Free Press,  yes, the same Free Press Scott came from. The letter was also signed by other socialist left wing outfits.

Now, to read this fear inspiring letter go here. You’ve got to hand it to them, they sure play a good game. Word’s that they don’t like are called “hate speech.” Their argument is that if “news” is not put forth by “real” journalists, then those people should be stifled, I guess.

They also allude to outright lies being proclaimed by some in the media. Hmm, I wonder, does that include mainstream media? Of course not. And why? Because they shower adorations upon the Obama administration and progressive ideals, and are allowed free passes on obvious socialist agenda, that’s why.

Here’s why the progressives are mad. The majority of people in this country do not care for the “leftwing media.” Simple as that. If things were turned around where the majority of people were tuning in the left wing news, there would be no sniveling and whining at all.

And what of their charge of “hate speech?” How about this? The White House now stated on Thursday that it approached Colorado Senate candidate Andrew Romanoff with talk of a job in order to clear the field for its preferred candidate, which, if true would be a crime. Well, let’s see. I gleaned that information from a mainstream “leftwing media” source. Is it  “hate speech or reckless reporting, or both?”

Number one, I, as others, do not claim to be a “journalist” with a PhD or other degree in said field. There are “real” journalist’s that are are, excuse me for my candor, pitiful representatives of their field. To be fair though, they cannot help it. The truth is, they have to please their owners, the people they work for.

Number two, the 1st Amendment gives me the right to free speech. This freedom is not negotiable. It is not dependant upon whether I give unfavorable opinions of our government. If I threaten physical violence, then yes, I have committed a crime which cannot be ignored. However, when I say that I think our present administration is less than truthful, and, are doing our country great harm, I have that 1st Amendment right to say such.

What this boils down to is systematic squashing of our basic freedom’s as written within our Constitution. Take away our rights and we are defeated. Are we going to allow this to happen?

In The News This Memorial Day Monday- Honoring our soldiers And Taking A Look At The Events of Recent Days

Remembering America’s Finest

A most “generous” Dave Matthews

Obama’s Quick Response To The Gulf Crisis

Harry Reid’s Irresponsible Statements

Obama’s Lame Words At West Point

Another Piece To Obama’s puzzle


America’s Finest

It is most fitting to take pause to remember all of our hero’s of the various wars that they fought and died for so that we all could taste sweet freedom. From our Founders to our brave men and women serving overseas this very day. Take a minute out this Memorial day and say a prayer for the fallen and those that were and are wounded. Because they did what they did for you and I.

For a wonderful testimony go here:

Read these beautiful words: 

Freedom Is Not Free
Kelly Strong

I watched the flag pass by one day. It fluttered in the breeze.
A young Marine saluted it,
and then he stood at ease.
I looked at him in uniform
So young, so tall, so proud,
He’d stand out in any crowd.
I thought how many men like him
Had fallen through the years.
How many died on foreign soil?
How many mothers’ tears?
How many pilots’ planes shot down?
How many died at sea?
How many foxholes were soldiers’ graves?
No, freedom isn’t free.

I heard the sound of TAPS one night,
When everything was still
I listened to the bugler play
And felt a sudden chill.
I wondered just how many times
That TAPS had meant "Amen,"
When a flag had draped a coffin
Of a brother or a friend.
I thought of all the children,
Of the mothers and the wives,
Of fathers, sons and husbands
With interrupted lives.
I thought about a graveyard
At the bottom of the sea
Of unmarked graves in Arlington.
No, freedom isn’t free

And this, although I know not the author, maybe someone will please enlighten me as to who wrote these meaningful and true words

It Is The Veteran
* It is the veteran, not the preacher, who has given you freedom of religion.
* It is the veteran, not the reporter, who has given you freedom of the press.
* It is the veteran, not the poet, who has given you freedom of speech.
* It is the veteran, not the protester, who has given you freedom to assemble.
* It is the veteran, not the lawyer, who has given you the right to a fair trial.
* It is the veteran, not the politician, who has given you the right to vote.
* It is the veteran, who salutes the Flag, who serves under the Flag, whose coffin is draped by the Flag.

A most “generous” Dave Matthews

Rocker Dave Matthews insists that it is all well and good if Americans be made to pay more for petrol. He also said maybe we less famous and poor folks should maybe ride bicycles instead of say, riding in a bus 300 days out of a year like he does. We won’t even get into the vehicles that carry his equipment, that he fails to mention. Quite a “carbon footprint.”

Hey Dave, maybe you have forgot where you came from, eh? That’s right, you came from South Africa to all of this fame and fortune here in the great America. I understand you moved here finally to avoid being drafted into the service of your own country. Not very patriotic Dave.

Anyway, how about this. I propose you give every person in the United States their increase for the gas you seem so willing to have “us” pay? I mean you are worth close to 250 million bucks, right? I really think that you could handle that. Not only that, but these people are the very people that have made you rich by purchasing your CD’s and attending your concerts.

Oh yeah, Dave, your take on pulling all soldiers out of both concerts and Afghanistan is really a brilliant idea also buddy. I do think you are trying to tick off every man and woman that has served on both these fronts. What of the soldiers that have lost limbs, suffered head injuries and lost close friends? Yeah Dave, lets just pack up and go. We’ll just forget about the sacrifice and the families that would end up losing loved ones for nothing. Real smart Dave. Let us ponder Ronald Reagan’s words once again:

[L]et us make a vow to our dead. Let us show them by our actions that we understand what they died for. Strengthened by their courage, heartened by their valor, and borne by their memory, let us continue to stand for the ideals for which they lived and died." –Ronald Reagan at Pointe du Hoc, 1984

What do you think Dave? Maybe you should write a song of honor for our American hero’s so that you won’t forget what sacrifice means. Maybe you already have wrote that song, I don’t know. I don’t much care for your music anyway.

Although I have never liked your music Dave, now I don’t think I like you very much either. I don’t know, I think it may have something to do with your obvious inflated ego and  holier than thou attitude. Not to mention that you are a classic example of a lily livered left wing nut job, so into yourself that you cannot think properly.

Finally I must say to you, stick it Dave!

The Lame-stream Media Strikes Again

I seem to remember back a few years ago when sacrifice struck the Southern States, especially New Orleans, that the media clamored poor George W. Bush’s back from jump-street. No mercy at all for the poor man.

And now, fast forward to the Gulf of Mexico situation that is happening now. Gee, you can hear a pin drop in the various news outlets. President Obama was probably busy for a week, you know doing presidential things. Like basketball, Golf, reading his favorite bible, “Rules For Radicals.”

Funny how this works, you know? Over a week goes by and not so much as a peep, except from guess who? Fox News. Hey, do you think maybe there’s something to these claims that you can hear “all” of the news with Fox? And their News is even fair and balanced!

No wonder no one is watching Chris Matthews, Keith Olbermann, or Rachel Maddow. With these so called “journalist’s” your lucky to get real news. If you do, you receive their take on the reports. And sometimes you receive nothing at all. And finally you might receive half the stories. I have a special take on that last one. You see, when you tell half of the story, that is like lying, at least that is what my momma taught me.

Harry Reid And His Creative Charges

A few days ago senator Harry Reid charged that “some on the Republican side” have called out-of-work Americans “bums” and “hobos.” Nice play on word’s senator.

As Reid has another one of his senior moments, he is once again busy twisting words as all good progressives do. Keep reading you will find that the words spoken by the Republican official’s ring very true. Leave it up to Reid once again to deny the truth.

The exact quotes that Mr. Reid is speaking of in this vein was this: 

Senator Jon Kyl had said that unemployment insurance doesn’t create new jobs. In fact, if anything, “continuing to pay people unemployment compensation is a disincentive for them to seek new work.”

Now, the question I have is this, is that statement true, or not? I believe it is to a certain degree. Although here in Michigan with over 12% unemployment, most folks have no choice. Hey Harry, do you think there are people out there taking advantage of the situation? No? Then your nuttier than I thought.

Mr. Reid wants to take that statement and and put a sinister spin on it to make Senator Kyl appear oh so hard and uncaring. I wish instead of ruining the country Senator Reid could do some real representing  other than just moving his lips, as usual. This is so typical of liberal progressives though. They will never change until the people of this country have finally had enough.

In referring to Representative Dean Heller who had questioned the need for extending unemployment benefits, he asked, “Is the government now creating hobo’s?”

Can Mr. Reid lend any credence that what Heller offers is true or not? Of course not. His only aim once again is to try and lead people to believe that Republicans are heartless and do not care for Americans, and, he and his bunch are the most caring, loving people on the face of the planet. How touching.

Millionaire Reid does not have a special place in his heart for those less fortunate than himself or Democrats. What Reid and his pals care about is keeping their cushy jobs “and power.” I think that is most obvious and clear.

Sorry “Dirty Harry.” I can see right through you. But more importantly, your constituents are finally beginning to see through you as well. Better late than never I guess. Come November, it’s goodbye Harry! Halleluiah!

President Obama’s Hollow Words To West Point Graduates

You know, I was hoping so deeply that as our nations best graduate’s this year at West Point would have agreed together to shun handshakes from their pretender–in–chief and instead walked past him looking right into his eyes.

Until Obama can clear up this eligibility issue that he is essentially covering up, then our military does have an obligation to see to it that Mr. Obama is genuinely qualified to be “commander-in-chief.”

Why in the world has Obama spent around 2 million dollars to put a lid on all information pertaining to him and his paper trail? Why does he not respond to questions, logical questions, that could clear this whole thing up in short order?

I must say that all evidence so far is inconsistent with what little Obama has offered as proof of his citizenship in this country. However, there is another slant on this that I have been entertaining for quite some time as well. This may be a simple fact of Obama not wanting his school records viewed because they would show him to be average. It is a fact as we have come to know that he is not exactly the Harvard scholar he so much would like us to believe. They most likely would also show his socialist tendencies.

At any rate there are so many other questions that have gone unanswered by Obama. I believe it is obvious he is hiding something damning to his credibility. The truth will come out sooner or later. It looks as though the truth will wait until much damage is done to our great nation. That is the shame of it all.

Obama Adds Another Marxist To His Mix

President Obama is staying the course with his appointment of Marxist “Ben Scott” who was serving as the head of the George Soros funded and socialist “Free press.”

You may remember the notable communist “Van Jones?” You remember, he was tagged by Obama to be his Green Jobs czar? He then resigned when America found him out. He is a certified commie. By the way, thanks Glenn Beck!

First of all this “Free Press” is anything but a free press seeing how Ben Scott supports government control of the internet. They at Free Press call it “saving the internet.” Well now, that’ll grab peoples attention! And I would be all for it, if it was legit that is. Once again Obama’s dream of a socialist America is manifested by the company he adds to his White House  gang of merry men and women.

They are forever coming up with the coolest names for their slew of czars. How’s this? “Policy Adviser for Innovation” at the State Department. That’s a neat new job Obama and crew made up. Here’s the official lingo from NPR (National Public Radio):The Obama administration has created the White House Office of Social Innovation and Civic Participation. The idea is for the government to work with nonprofit organizations to identify programs that have had proven success in tackling social problems, such as homelessness and joblessness, and then to expand those programs across the country. The office will in effect provide seed money for the most innovative ideas. (Emphasis mine)

More evidence that Obama is the socialist that he denies he is. Once again I repeat; “birds of a feather sure nuff fly together! Actions speak volumes, while his words ring hollow and dull. As dull as his teleprompter when it falls over. Obama can speak for 1 hour and say absolutely nothing. However, he sure knows his way around “Chicago style politics”. But wait, lately he is even screwing that up. I’ll get into that more next week. Until then, have a safe and happy Memorial day.

Janet Napolitano, Are Measures In Place To Defend Against Left Wing Illegal Radicals?

Now, let me see if I’ve got this straight. Our states here in America have been most relaxed for years, allowing illegal aliens free reign to do as they please, to come and go without fear of reprisal, which was idiotic to begin with in my humble opinion. But what do I know?

At any rate we have been the perfect hosts. And everyone knew they were here, coming and going, working at jobs no one else wanted… of course. And they have enjoyed those jobs and benefits just like that 47 year old son who just will not fly the coup out of mom and dad’s hair. I mean they have made themselves at home like that distant cousin that pitched a tent in your backyard while asking two or three times a day if you got any more beer in the fridge.

And health care? They don’t need nor have they ever needed Obama care. Man they have hit the jackpot in many a city. So much so that the illegal’s have ended up bearing the first baby of the New Year here in America 20 years running!

Hospital emergency? It’s a good thing they can use them. I mean I’m surprised they haven’t started a MASH unit just behind the front lines of L.A.. The area should be cordoned off because of the threat of lead poisoning. And now what of Arizona? Murder, kidnapping, drugs, which by the way they will say we are at fault because our children for the most part are the drug purchasers.That’s it, always blame someone else.

Now, because of this murder, drugs, human trafficking, kidnapping and gun running by illegal alien’s, not to mention 67% of the population of Arizona feel this problem has gone on far too long, the border state of Arizona has finally had it up to their bandanna. They now have elected to enforce federal law, and are being vilified by the press, elected officials and even the president and his gang of arrogant czars, one of which had to admit that he had not even read the new law. Why am I not surprised? No matter, because what is our 10th amendment actually for? I can tell you this, these “living Constitution” socialists absolutely hate the 10th, and, they are hard at work attempting to circumvent it at every turn.

And now the illegal aliens and their supporters are holding protest rallies that are anything but peaceful, and, of course for the most part  the media are no where to be found, that is except to criticize Arizona and supporters. Gee, I wonder if maybe they have forgotten we are a nation of laws? Funny how the left wing-nuts love to run down “Fox News,” but if you want “all” of the news you must tune in to them for a balanced news experience. And if the White House is downing Fox, you know they are doing something right.

Also, what of instructions from our “United States Secretary of Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano” issuing hasty orders for our safety and law and order? We have seen the documentation regarding hard line police and military defense against the oh so dangerous “Tea Party” grandma’s and grandpa’s and otherwise peaceful American demonstrators throughout the land. You know the one’s. They were the one’s Obama was amused with.

Anyway, those evil Tea partier’s, who according to CNN are gathering across the country building 50 caliber machine gun nests. And that was just the old women! The old men are walking around with surface to air rocket launchers… wearing jackboots to top it all off. How dare citizens gather together to protest out of control spending and Health care nobody wants.

Of course the “lame stream” media have either failed to weigh in on this fact or have reported negatively on the Tea Party’s. Not so with the real law breakers of course. The illegal’s have not been so nice during their protest’s. I have witnessed, although quickly and only once, near riot conditions with store windows being broken. Or was that Iran… oh well, when you get to be my age and watch Fox news you just never know, right?

Well, wait just a minute. I take that back. The media are weighing in on Arizona’s new law, that rightfully enforces Federal law, that have been on the books for years. But what they are reporting is shocking. They are making Arizona look as though they have stolen all the Halloween candy from all their poor children. Hey, I have a novel idea. Why don’t we just report the facts? I mean for one, Arizona is not at fault for doing what is right. This is ridiculous, shameful, and surpasses all level headed thinking. But of course these are not level headed people we are dealing with here. I know the reason for this but that is a topic for another time.

Now illegal Mexicans are taking to the streets acting like hooligans while being glorified by the media. I ask, are the troops locking and loading with a readiness for the lawlessness that is being perpetrated in the various cities and towns now? Doesn’t look like it to me. What’s the problem now that America is faced with a true threat from another country, and why are we putting up with it?

What is wrong in this country when a state makes an effort to enforce a federal law. Federal laws that are on the books and Washington has done absolutely nothing at all to stymie the influx of illegal aliens that are trafficking in drugs, humans, and kidnapping on our side of the border?  Can you answer these questions Miss Napolitano?

And I hear the Mexican president is coming here to protest this situation himself? Just how does that work by the way? Could the reason for that be that so many of the illegal’s are repeat law breakers? In that case, why don’t we send our prisoners over to Mexico instead of paying for their upkeep here? And if they didn’t like it president Obama could go to Mexico to protest! Sounds fair to me.

But instead Arizona and it’s lawmakers are made out to be villains because they are sick and tired of this crap that they have had to endure for all of these years with no help from the feds is beyond reasonable thinking.

And then to our illustrious president Obama. He claims that they will be monitoring the situation there in Arizona. He also said what they are doing in Arizona is misguided. I’ll tell you what is misguided. Our illustrious socialist president.  He also is still attempting to sell his ill conceived Obama care that the majority of Americans want no part of. However, a good socialist leader never pays heed to the people he is dictating too. I only wish the people could really understand what is happening, and that this situation is dire. God help us all.

As a final note, I would like to suggest all enforcement agency’s responsible for illegal immigration attend the protests in the border states and ask for proper paperwork from these illegal’s. If they are indeed in this country illegally send them home. For crying out loud, THAT IS THE LAW! What do illegal’s mean by saying that there are no borders and that because we should enforce those borders that we are racists? I tell you what, let an American cross the border illegally and see what happens. You just may never see them again. I ask the Mexican group La Raza (the Race); who are the racists? Chew on that a while.

Think They’re Done Now? Think Again-Part 3

Me We are staring total subterfuge dead square in the eyes. The United States I believe is in one of it’s most darkest periods in history.

Yes, our country has seen dark moments in the past. However, most Americans knew what it was we were facing and that we were indeed at a critical point. There are millions today that have not the slightest notion about what we are facing. Many of our fellow Americans are blindly following the “great deceiver” and his insiders without true knowledge of what they are doing. Many in essence are blindly following these self serving socialist pied pipers, and, are all headed for the edge of the cliff only to land on the rocks below. 

I feel with all of my heart that it is up to those of us who see through this counterfeit of a president, this mockery of our great and glorious country, to do all that we can to expose him for what he truly is. We need to call him and his “czars” and the other socialist progressives in his court out before we are driven over the cliff of no return.

I can do one thing. Talk, talk and talk. Tell all I know and have contact with what we are dealing with here. I can write. No, I’m no Edward R. Murrow as you can obviously discern, although I am at least attempting to do some investigative “journalism.” Which is more than I can say about some so called journalists today within the mainstream media. I will continue doing what I can because I love my country and I’ll be darned if I will sit back and let some dyed in the wool Marxist ruin this country for everyone else. My children and my children’s children mean everything to me. I worry for them. I will fight tooth and nail for them. Would you do the same? Will you?

And so, here now are some of the final “devious” methods that the progressives will undoubtedly use in their quest to keep the power that they posses at this time. Much damage has already been done. Will we allow more?

6. This one is a biggie. The "Secretary of State Project.” What this amounts to is no more than a good sounding name for a criminal effort to re-elect Democrats. To find out more click here.

These are the kind of actions that would get people like you and me thrown in prison for a very long time. Not so with billionaire Socialist’s such as George Soros. Remember, it was Soros that was instrumental in allegedly stealing the Senate seat for, Al “Stuart Smalley” Franken. You remember Franken don’t you? He is a funny guy, I think, who thinks he is a political wunderkind, because he was a bit player and writer on SNL many years ago. Well, if that don’t qualify a person for the Senate I just don’t know what does! Kind of like many Hollywood personalities. You know, once you have been behind a camera and acquire a little fame  you are automatically a John F. Kennedy. Enough said on this subject.

When all is said and done, the Secretary of State Project is just another addition to radical instruments as ACORN with their subpar activities. The difference being much more big money. It pains me that we taxpayers end up paying for organizations like ACORN and their partner programs.

7. “Universal Registration.” Once again the government (progressives) wants to get in on the action. They can’t handle what they’ve taken on over all these years and now that want more. They cannot handle the Postal Service, Medicare, Medicaid or really anything they stick their noses into.

And now they want in on the action concerning individual’s freedom to register and vote. Why? Once again, control! The more they know about you, the more they can lead you by the nose and hound you. And do you think that they want everyone registered just to go and vote Republican? Ha! You have to be kidding. They are hard at work my friends laboring to retain power, not losing it. 

8. Americanizing illegal immigrants.

In the past few weeks, Obama and others have made statements on immigration reform. In his “Message to Immigration Marchers,” the president repeatedly referred to the current immigration process as a “broken immigration system.” Well yes, it is broken all right. It was broken many years ago when politician’s turned a blind eye to the law of the land by allowing Mexicans to enter into our country “illegally.” I mean, are they legal or not? Why are we allowing the breaking of our immigration laws? These people are law breakers. If I break the law I must pay the price for my actions. Not so with the Mexican law breakers? Am I missing something here?

Just the other day we had many law breakers descend upon the Capital waving Mexican flags while spouting nonsense such as “no one is illegal.” They were causing trouble and even assaulted Roy Beck, who is an American that was expressing his 1st Amendment right speaking out against amnesty for illegal’s on this same day in Washington. He and his crew were reportedly roughed up by those opposed to him. Nice. Once again, “law breakers.”

All border patrol and related agencies’ should have attended that rally also. They would have been perfectly within bounds by asking for I.D. from those that were in attendance. Those found to be in violation of our immigration laws should have been detained and deported in keeping with the law of our land.     

Yes, immigration in this country is broken, but Obama and the other progressives are going to “fix” it by turning unhappy illegal’s into happy little Obama voters, like his union buddies at SEIU and the AFL-CIO want. What a joke.

What about legal immigrants that are waiting in line to become American citizens? They are obeying our laws and are actually learning the history of our country. They are drawn to the “melting pot” with a desire to be a part of the greatest Republic in the world. They are striving to learn the English language, and assimilate into our communities so that they may contribute something useful. Those that wave their foreign flags speaking their foreign languages  are here for handouts.

The legal immigrant’s are now waving the American flag, not the flag’s from where they came! Still think the progressives possess oh so much love in their hearts? If they did they would not step over the law abiding immigrants that are standing patiently in line waiting for that day when they can proudly raise their hands and swear allegiance to the flag of the United States of America. Even Republicans are on this legalize illegal’s bandwagon. They need to go also. Please vote them out of office. We do not need R.I.N.O.s. We need officials that will stand for their constituents the way they should.

9. Convicted felons.

Yes, incarcerated felons of course cannot vote. But, the States have deemed that “felons” cannot vote. And now another Liberal Democrat in the House thinks the federal government should just trump the States rights and make them fall in line once again with bill H.R. 3335.

Rep. John Conyers, D-Michigan (figures), is behind this scheme, and, it is sponsored in the Senate by Senator Russell Feingold, D-Wisconsin. The bill states, "The right of an individual who is a citizen of the United States to vote in any election for federal office shall not be denied or abridged because that individual has been convicted of a criminal offense unless such individual is serving a felony sentence in a correctional institution or facility at the time of the election." You don’t think this has anything to do with the fact that Conyers wife is a convicted felon do you? Just asking.

How many votes would be garnered through this ruse? Approximately 4 million. Based on research, 7 out of 10 felons would vote Democrat. This is obviously impressive if you factor in close campaigns. 

Would you believe this bill is being propped up as a civil rights issue? Of course it is. Hey, and do you know what? It will work to a certain degree. Might succeed just enough to put enough progressives over the top so that they will remain in control of the House and Senate. It wouldn’t surprise me. As far as I’m concerned, felons gave up their civil rights when they committed various crimes, especially murder. But hey, that’s just my opinion. I want to ask, what about other so called “civil rights” felons lose when they are convicted? Nothing mentioned there of course.

To add to it all, it’s also another example of giving the Feds. jurisdiction to overstep their bounds in matters that should, and, in effect are under jurisdiction of the individual States. This has got to be stopped. The 10th Amendment is now being ignored and thrown to the wind with frequency in this present Democratic dominated Washington landscape.

10. Minorities.

I hate to say it, but all you need do to get many votes from the minority sector is to  promise them lots of free stuff. Remember when Obama was elected as president? Right away some of the minorities were looking for their house’s, and cars to be paid off. They, because of the silly rhetoric Obama was spewing in his campaign speeches simply believed he was a savior from God and was going to deliver them from their despair. They truly believed the Great One was going to take them to the land flowing with milk and honey. We thought the “ read my lips, no more new taxes”  by George H.W. Bush was over the top? That didn’t compare to Obama’s other worldly promises.

11. Unions (Organized Labor).

After preaching against the evils of White House lobbyists during the presidential campaign, and, his promise to end the practice altogether if elected, we find that SEIU President Andy Stern is a constant welcomed visitor. You don’t think there is “lobbying” going on do you? Remember, Obama made the statement that he had to repay the unions for their financial support during the campaign. I guess Obama meant no lobbying from those that couldn’t cough up big money for his elections, right? Of course. Lobbying continues, don’t let them fool you.

He has also appointed a few union individual’s to positions in his administration. Just recently he appointed union radical Craig Becker to the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB). The 5 man board now consists of 3 Democrat’s with views detrimental to Americans everywhere.

We that love liberty and our country must do all that we can, anyway that we can, short of violence, to wrest government control away from these socialist traders’ that work to take that freedom from us. In his “victory lap” Health Care speech Obama insinuated that his big win was a win for “we the people.” How could that be when the majority in this country spoke loud and clear against it? Harry Reid just wrongly stated that “we” meaning the Tea Party movement were just a “minority making big noise.”

Come election time I certainly hope and pray that Reid will know that we are not the minority that he wrongly thinks we are. I ask that all in the majority please vote these self serving rascals out of Washington once and for all. It may not be “tar and feathers” but it’s a start.

I have tried to show just a sampling of the lowdown tricks the progressive socialist’s will use in their bid to be re-elected come November in the midterm elections and the presidential election in 2012. We can beat them for sure. But it will take all of us that are fed up with government spending, intrusion into our lives and attempts at turning our country into a European socialistic country to turn the tide. Join a peaceful resistance group, voice your opinions, and please, vote!   

Greetings Fellow Patriots

I am a Conservative and love my country. And, I have opinions. Of course, not all will agree with me on every thought, and I do not expect everyone to. But as Americans we should wish for a better place for our children, and, grand-children. I would hope that all thinking Americans reflect on the dreams and aspirations of our Forefathers and their Fathers before them. This is, and has been a great country for some 200 years, and I pray that we can somehow pull together and keep America vital and strong for years to come.
I welcome all thoughts and comments from truthful and serious readers. Thank you.
"A cruce salus"

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