Archive for the 'Supreme Court Justice' Category

The Truth Is Revealing The “Real” Obama

I would love to write today that president Obama is one of the finest presidents this country has ever known. Lord knows in this day and age we surely need a great leader. But I’m sorry. I cannot proclaim that statement as a fact. Not even close. The irreparable harm this man is causing our country is beyond compare with any president ever, including Jimmy Carter. As far as I’m concerned, he is definitely a flop in every respect. It’s a shame really.

What was revealed about Barack Hussein Obama during his run for president was a thin veil of the man he truly is. The left leaning media fell for this charlatan so deeply that it is now almost impossible to admit that they were wrong even if they wanted to. They shielded him, and covered for him at every turn. He could do no wrong. And sadly, after a while I believe Obama began to believe all the hype and silly nonsense that the left were gleefully showering upon him. At any rate he is now taking great advantage of the whole situation.

If the media would have rightly performed their journalistic duties, and, vetted the man they had much too early crowned as America’s, no, “the world’s” Savior, we might not be in this mess we find ourselves in today. I’m sorely afraid that there are no true journalists today. What we have today for the most part are reporters that spread their own brand of leftist idea’s and sentiments.

Although many elements contribute to Mr. Obama’s wanton arrogance and outright narcissism tendencies, he is so out of touch with reality that there is no turning back now. He is fully entrenched in his awful tendencies to upend our Constitution and  basic rights. He seems to go out of his way to throw his weight around, and, he smirks at America as he does it. Yes, welcome to Chicago politics at it’s finest. He publically responds to his foes in a manner that surpasses any semblance of class that should be a part of a president’s persona. In my research I have not yet found any one president of the United States that has ever stooped to such lows as our present supposed leader. 

It is plain that Obama feels he is above any and all people great and small. Just look at what he has already done. He pushed his unpopular Obama-care that America is dead set against. Same goes for amnesty for “illegal” immigrant’s. He has not done squat for the Southern border countries, and, now has committed the ultimate attack upon the majority of American’s by filing a silly lawsuit against Arizona. He cares not about majority America. It is clear that what he truly cares about is his own socialist progressive agenda.

Barack Hussein Obama was actually groomed for this “job.” He was trained from the time he was a boy until he was sworn in as president in the ways of the Marxist ideals. We know by his own account that he was actively seeking out activists (Marxist’s) as friends while he attended school’s here in the states. Let me add that it looks as though the so called “birther’s” were right in their claims that Obama is not a U.S. citizen after all. What should happen if this is really the case? Well, I know what should happen, but I also know what will not happen. He will skate! Plain and simple. This is another shame. We may as well throw our Constitution in the fireplace. 

It is an established fact that Obama was friends with the wayward American terrorist William Ayers both before and after his school days. Yeah, he hung out with a terrorist. Obama lied about this fact when he said Ayers was just a neighbor of his that he hardly knew. America was duped by this man and his progressive backers. You can believe that socialist’s, Marxist’s and communist’s all were as happy as sea gulls in a fresh pile of dumped trash when he was elected president.

Getting down to brass tacks though, the truth has a habit of catching up with all individuals good or bad sooner or later. Especially individuals with dark shady pasts. Just like the dark past of Barack Hussein Obama for instance. And doubly so since president Obama is making such obvious efforts to keep his past as secret as possible and for as long as possible. What has he to fear?

Everyone knows that politician’s are known for their lies. It is expected it seems. You can go back and search my articles and see if that is true with president Obama. For example, president Obama stated while he was running for president, that he was unequivocally a Christian. He showed disdain for those that would remotely suggest that he was secretly a… shall I say it? A Muslim. Well, he has admitted such to another Muslim; even as he uses the Christian bible to eulogize Senator Byrd this past week.

As a side note, let me suggest that Mr. Obama refrain from using scripture if he is going to use it out of context like he did on that day. This truly shows his ignorance of the Bible that he claims to follow as a Christian. I submit that president Obama knows the Koran much better than the Bible. 

I do not blame my fellow Americans too much for getting caught up in  all of Obama’s “hope and change” shtick. He popped up on the scene at the right moment and said all the right things. Oh, how he was going to change the world! Well, he is changing things all right. Changing things to meet his agenda that is. And yes, people are waking up to this fact. Lets hope it is not too late for Americans to right this horrid wrong we have been inflicted with. I can only hope and pray that we have learned our lesson and that we will take appropriate actions.

There are two wrongs that will not be righted though. The installations of Obama’s picks for the Supreme Court. We can only imagine what will happen with these progressive Justice’s that have no respect for the Constitution as it was written. Instead of making sure that the rule of law will be followed, these two women, “the wise” Latina, Judge Sonia Sotomayor, and, now the anti-military, pro-abortion, anti-gun, “lying” Elena Kagan” will most assuredly inject their own idea’s and thoughts into their decisions while seated upon the bench. Of course they both believe in the “living Constitution” lie.

Lord help us if Obama gets another pick for a Supreme Court Justice between now and the end of his term. Let’s also pray that his “reign” is just one term.

If Conservative’s and all good folk’s ever had a goal to achieve, it had better be to rid our country of this dark and shady blob that pervades our political landscape. It had better be the removal of all the rancid political progressive’s that have invaded our government riding on that same Obama “hope and change” express. I am not too partial to “thug politics.” I cannot stand the sound of those so called aides Obama has hired being called “czars” like we’re living in 19th century Russia or something. 

President Obama barely had sworn in with his hand upon the Holy Bible to uphold the Constitution in our Capital, (I must admit to entertaining the thought that his second swearing in was with the Koran) when he began his socialist blitzkrieg to expand government and lay siege of mortgage companies, auto companies, and worse of all national Health Care. Marxist’s, socialist’s communist’s and progressive’s all are rejoicing today, believe me.

Getting back to the Constitution of the United States. You know, the one that Obama “swore” to uphold?  I charge that president Obama is committing serious acts of treason. It seems if he does not like a federal law, he simply thumbs his nose at them. For example, in Arizona, the law makers decided, because of escalating violence from illegal aliens to enforce existing federal law. Obama has said that Arizona’s “new/old law” is misguided. He has threatened through his administration to take them to court. Which Constitution is Obama upholding? I thought Obama was an American law scholar? Right!

Obama is now taking on Arizona in court in order to overturn their law, which really is federal law. How does that work? How do you sue a state which in effect is finally enforcing our own federal law on illegal immigration? I think America should sue Obama for dereliction of duties by not protecting the citizens he is sworn to defend. If you’ve seen the news you know that drug cartels have set up shop even on American soil.

Folks, all I can say now is that when you have the opportunity, do what is right for our country. Do the right thing and work at ridding our country of these snakes that are slithering around our nations capital looking for who they might devour. We now have the ability to “take advantage in a crisis.” Let’s make sure we make full use of it.

Why Elena Kagan Mr. Obama? She’s Your Friend You Say?-Or Is It “Birds Of A Feather.”

By what guidelines should a Supreme Court Justice be appointed? I mean, we really should not have to ask just a question as this, really.

But, since we have to play this silly game, I’ll ask anyway. Should the pick be determined by a candidates paper trail? You know… thesis’, essay’s and scholarly work from the various schools they have attended? How about various rulings on cases that may have come before them as a judge? Well, the issue must be scrutinized by all of the above and more as far as I can tell.

By now, at least most everyone knows that Elena Kagan has never served as a judge, at any level? Doesn’t surprise me or most likely anyone that has come to expect the worst from Obama and the rest of his ilk.

We know that she great disrespect for our military. As a matter of fact she attacked the military while she was the Dean at Harvard by prohibiting military recruiters from conducting on-campus interviews. That fact is bad enough, but her paper trail is what I find most disturbing. Her socialistic views could not be more damning. No wonder the most liberal college in the country took down Miss Kagan’s thesis on socialism and how much she loathes our capitalistic nation. This is what we want for a lifetime job on the highest court in the land?

This is more of the same old Chicago politics we’ve come to know so well from Obama and company. He even flaunts it and throws it in our faces! People are getting very sick and tired of this attitude of his. He knows this pick of Kagan is a joke and how the majority of Americans feel about it. Yet he will do it because simply because he can.  

Miss Kagan has never served as a judge anywhere at any time. She has no experience… zip, nada, none! Well then what would be the qualifying attribute by which could be used to consider her for the most important life time position of Supreme Court Justice? 

President Obama loves this. He knows he will cause controversy in appointing someone of Kagan’s caliber. However, just what is being ignored here? As Ilya Shapiro has went on record stating:

Senators should thus ask questions about the meaning of the Commerce Clause, the Necessary and Proper Clause, and the General Welfare Clause, to name but three provisions under which courts have ratified incredible assertions of federal power divorced from those the Constitution discretely enumerates.

If Elena Kagan refuses to answer such queries substantively — employing the usual dodge that she may be called upon to interpret these clauses as justice — we can rightfully hold that response against her, as she herself counseled in a law review article 15 years ago.

How much more unlucky can we here in the United States be? Obama has been in office 16 months and he has already picked 2 Supreme Court Justices. Although Kagan has not been approved as of yet, the sad truth is she will be. But as one person said this week:  

But the media don’t question the qualifications of liberals. Anyone who’s chosen the liberal side has already proven her intelligence. Anyone who’s named dean of the Harvard Law School is "eminently qualified" to tell the rest of America what to think. And anyone who circulated in all the same Ivy League and Upper West Side "progressive" circles can’t possibly be controversial.

This is a sad fact that we are having to live, or, die with. Let us pray that Obama has no chance to pick another Supreme Court Justice during his remaining  month’s in office. Hopefully people are wise to this socialist trader and will kick him out on his rear end in 2012.

The final tally of Elena Kagan is that she is a “homosexual”, she supports “abortion” in any degree she is a “socialist” by her own admission. We can guess that she is a tenet of the “living Constitution” nonsense and so her rulings would be according to what ever she herself “feels” about the subject that would be in question. She is for repealing the 2nd Amendment. How much more unlucky can America be? 

Greetings Fellow Patriots

I am a Conservative and love my country. And, I have opinions. Of course, not all will agree with me on every thought, and I do not expect everyone to. But as Americans we should wish for a better place for our children, and, grand-children. I would hope that all thinking Americans reflect on the dreams and aspirations of our Forefathers and their Fathers before them. This is, and has been a great country for some 200 years, and I pray that we can somehow pull together and keep America vital and strong for years to come.
I welcome all thoughts and comments from truthful and serious readers. Thank you.
"A cruce salus"

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