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How Will Wright, Farrakhan, Pfleger, Khalidi, Ayers and other America Haters Spend Independence Day?

Friday, millions of Americans will spend the day celebrating the fourth of July, or Independence Day. Americans everywhere will have cookouts, attend services and parades in honor of our men and women that made this country the greatest country in the world.

We will watch as fireworks dazzle and thrills our hearts and souls, and, hopefully help us to remember the sacrifices made by our Forefathers and those that have gone on before. Millions will do these things. But what of the anti-Americans that live among us?

It’s ironic that there are some of us that enjoy the freedom that America provides, but would actually rather that we be the, “land of the whiners, and the home of the weak.” Sadly there are those that would have us to be mindless tag-a-longs, wearing the same drab gray outfits, while we read issues of the state run newspaper and watch the same national government programs on television, as some other Countries do.

Think I’m a little over the top? I think not. From the very beginning this Country has had it’s share of detractors, aiding and abetting in ignorance. Those that had no intimation of what a true freedom was, or how it could be achieved.

And then, there have also have been people that understood, yet, were determined to undermine the rudiments of true freedom, quelling the very notion that such a liberty could, or should exist.

There were colonist’s that were not very keen on this freedom from English rule. And of course this should not be too surprising if we can imagine a people that never had tasted anything but English rule. Some thought loyalty to the King was patriotic, absolute and needed.

The first settlers at Jamestown certainly had no thoughts of seceding from British authority just because they had commenced living in the New World. No, to them the New World was just an expanse of Great Britain.

Years would pass and situations would change causing Americans to re-think their reliance and fealty that they had to England.

When war finally broke out, there were still some that refused to rise up against Britain in revolt. There were those that did not take up arms against the mighty British navy and army. They had no imagination and no guts, while some thought it improper.

And so, as we indulge in the revelries and all the festivities of this Holiday weekend, be aware that there are those that could give a rats behind about the meaning of our Independence Day. And some of these Americans would hi-jack our freedom at the drop of a hat if such a thing could be achieved.

Some would have a man believe that their ideal’s are noble and novel. That this country is stingy and mean. Their idea of a perfect society is each individual working to feed and clothe the, “have not’s.” Working for a common cause they say. Right.

I truly wonder what our anti-American inhabitants will be doing on our Independence Day? Just another day for them I suppose.

As for the true defenders among us, I will say speak up today in order to save our and our children’s freedom for tomorrow.

Gregor Strasser, National Socialist theologian, said:

“We National Socialists are enemies, deadly enemies, of the present capitalist system with its exploitation of the economically weak … and we are resolved under all circumstances to destroy this system.” Tags: ,

Controversy, Intrigue And Questions

Controversy number 1.

It is going to be quite a task for John McCain to woo the Latino vote and at the same time appease the majority of Americans that are concerned about the illegal alien situation.

If you remember, John McCain joined Senator Ted Kennedy and the rest of the like minded political morons that wanted to just hand all the illegal’s a get out of jail free card and receive $200.00 for passing go. Of course we the people would have footed the bill, (we already do in many cases) and the illegal’s would have been given U.S. citizen status by taking cuts in the Americanizing line.

This did not sit too well with American residents and all hell broke loose. Three times the political snake charmers tried to sneak their generous mind-blowing offerings on the books, and three times they were told, “no mas,” by the American public.

And now, once again would you believe that right now, this hour, Nancy Pelosi and her far left Liberal brothers and sisters in arms are up to their old tricks once again by trying to sneak in a bill that would safely harbor illegal’s? I got to hand it to them, they sure are tenacious. Stupid, but tenacious.

And here we now are. It seems that we will be choosing between McCain and Obama come election time, unfortunately. Some choice eh?

Controversy Number 2.

I cannot for the life of me understand how we the people cannot see through this Obama charade.

For instance, it was noted the other day that the Rev. Wright stated to Mr. Obama when he first entered the Trinity church some twenty years ago that, “you won’t receive no feathers in your cap by attending here.”

Now, just how many ways can you interpret that statement. Did the good Reverend mean to say that Obama would be looked upon unfavorably? And if so, by whom and why?

Am I missing something here? I don’t think so. I think the statement speaks for itself. Wright knew that his church and their ideologies were contentious and even radical and racial. To say otherwise is a slap in the face of all good folk’s integrity.

With that said, either Barack Hussein Obama did not understand what Wright meant, or, he is and has been playing hide and seek with the truth. We surly know that he could not have been that dumb.

Is Obama ready to aver that he was surprised to learn these revelations just recently? I mean twenty years and he did not know what this church stands for and teaches?

Did Mr. Obama read the church bulletins? There has been some mighty far out articles in those papers, as have been revealed recently.

And to think that Obama had no knowledge of that nonsense is really quite ridiculous. He comes off as a rather intelligent man with common sense so what gives?

Neither Barack nor Michelle Obama are ignorant. Yet they would have us believe that they had no idea of the awful agenda that Trinity United Church of Christ peddled? Sorry, I just don’t buy into this silly notion. Not one iota.


Did Rush Limbaugh help to sway the the polls in Hillary’s favor in Indiana? Obama’s aides think so. They feel that Obama might have won Indiana and just may have won in North Carolina by a much wider margin if Limbaugh had not meddled.

Sounds like much ado about nothing if you ask me. If they can’t handle this, how in the world are they going to plod through a campaign against Senator McCain? I’ve got a feeling It will be a long road with plenty of whining from the Obama camp. Liberals are good at whining.

Oh, by the way, you must have noticed that I have insinuated Obama will be the Democratic candidate, right? Well, I have been hearing the fat lady singing for a month now, how about you?

This is going to be real interesting. Obama the far, far far Left Liberal against McCain the middle of the road Republican, who could really pass for a moderate Democrat. But not really. He’s just a, “maverick.”

Question 1.

Did Senator Barack Obama and former Weather Underground member William Ayers funnel money to Professor Rashid Khalidi, a known terrorist sympathizer?

If you do not know who Khalidi is then here is a short breakdown. Mr. Khalidi is a member of the faculty at Columbia University in New York. He was the individual that invited Iranian President Ahmedinejad to visit and speak at the University after he finished his speech at the United Nations this past winter.

This in itself is bad enough but Khalidi has direct ties to the Palestinian Liberation Organization, which of course is a group that is on the US State Department’s terrorist list.

Now, if we ignore other questionable activities and involvements with the other shady characters that we know about, we are still left with this disturbing and most suspect bit of news.

Obama’s track record is littered with half truths and out right lies. Should we just accept that he is a politician and all politician’s lie? Not in this case. The other charges against Obama no matter how big or small pale in comparison to this revelation.

If further interested, please read this:

Next time that you hear that Hezbollah and or Hamas supports Barack Obama, you had better think twice about the seriousness of such talk. No wonder Barack Hussein Obama has said he will meet with the leaders of these organizations.

And now I am left to wonder, why does Palestine and it’s supporters back Senator Barack Hussein Obama?

Question 2.

Today Barack Obama is madder than a wet hen. Why you ask? Well, President Bush and John McCain both have indicated that he (Obama) has said he would, if elected President, want to meet with all leaders of Terrorist States and Dictator’s of Countries that the US has named as unfriendly.

Senator Obama now says that he did not say those words. I beg to differ. He did say those words more than once. Obama realizes the hot water he has gotten himself into and is trying now to jump out of the bathtub.

But the problem is that Mr. Obama can get away with any and all falsehoods and shenanigans such as this because of the Democratic Liberal blind devotion. In

their eye’s he can do no wrong. His followers look like a bunch of, “no see, no talk and no hear monkeys.” He is an, “untouchable.”

Well, that worked good in Chicago when Elliot Ness was going after Capone. And it works well (I guess) in India with their caste system. But I’m afraid sooner or later Obama will have to give an account of his dealings and actions, along with his very unpatriotic wife Michelle.

So far he has only played softball, or in his case, basketball. However, shortly it will be major league baseball time. If Michelle Obama thinks the US is mean now, what will she think when the big leaguers get through with them? Ooo-Wee! Tags:

Separation of Church And Hate

p_feature_wright2 The former pastor of Trinity United Church of Christ, Jerimiah Wright, has stated in an interview recently, that the more weighty portions of his now infamous, “God D*** America,” sermon were taken completely out of context.

Mr. Wright and his Democrat, Obama defenders complain that only certain parts of the sermon were played over and over, and it made him appear as a racist and hate monger. He says people have not viewed or listened to all of the sermon which he indicated would vindicate him of such beliefs.

Well, I have heard most of the sermon, and I can say without a doubt that Mr. Wright and Trinity are filled with hate and hold racist views.

First of all, Trinity’s web site underwent a major make over shortly after the fervor over that sermon commenced. I know this because I viewed it. Was the content that was removed from the site taken out of context? I would say that the content was pretty easy to understand and was in context and was pretty much in harmony with the words Wright spoke in his sermon. Why was Trinity’s web site revamped? You can view the old Trinity site here: Trinity United Church of Christ

Secondly, I ask how could a preacher of the gospel speak such vile words after 9/11, when the nation was in mourning? He named his sermon, “America’s Chickens Have Come Home To Roost.” As if we as a nation, comprised of many nationalities by the way, deserved this awful carnage and whole sale death.

Black, white, Asian, all died together in those Towers. However, we must regard his comments as being aimed at the white residents of this country. And anyone that listens to the, “whole,” sermon will have no trouble understanding that.

I know he must not have had a loved one to die there. Maybe if he did have someone he loved perish in that tragedy he might not be so smug and self righteous, and most of all, now, unrepentant.

In his sermon he likens America as the new Roman oppressors that crucified Jesus. He said people (whites) confuse God with government. He stated that we (whites) kill, and we think we have Gods approval. He goes on to compare America with Al Qaeda and other radical Muslims that murder indiscriminately.

He says that we, as European American, “white,” folks, feel superior to African Americans. Wright said that we, “demonize others so we can kill them.”

Mr. Wright at one point mocked the Declaration of Independence as the, “Declaration of white Independence. Along with, “all men (whites) are created more equal than others (blacks).

He wanted to make sure the congregation got the point by pointing out the, “lily whiteness of the International Monetary Fund.

Instead of Homeland Security, Mr. Wright labeled it as, “Homeland Stupidity.” Even though Homeland Security has worked very well at keeping our citizens here safe since 9/11. That is a proven fact.

He said that the government lied in it’s founding documents, lied about Peal Harbor, our own C.I.A. lied about Nelson Mandela and helped put him in prison for 27 years.

During the sermon Mr. Wright kept wanting the congregation to repeat aloud that, “governments lie!” What he meant was that, “white,” governments lie, although our government is composed of all ethnic groups. More proof that anyone can succeed in this country if they want to.

He went on to make the more absurd statement that our government developed HIV in order to wipe out people of color. He also stated that America gives drugs to black folks and that it builds bigger prisons in order to house the black drug offenders that had been given the drugs by our own government.

That led into the now infamous God D*** America tirade. I want to point out that these words by Mr. Wright speak for themselves. I will also say that he has no defense for those words and they were clearly not taken out of context.

Mr. Wright went on to mention, “Uncle,” Clarence Thomas, Oprah Winfry, who at one time was a member at Trinity, Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice, and Tiger Woods, who by the way was put down by Wright for playing golf at country clubs that he says discriminate against women.

He stated that for all these successful black people he mentioned, there were millions more poor and unsuccessful. Mr. Wright might have done well to mention himself as an example also, and preach that all folks have an opportunity to be successful with God’s help and hard honest work.

I’m sorry to say that the Reverend never even alluded to what a man can do, no matter the color, if he walks with God. He had the opportunity many times during that sermon but he never said one thing about Jesus being the answer to problems, or that God helps those that help themselves. All he did was disparage and condemn people that he didn’t even know, black and mostly white.

Later in his (sermon) it is evident that he senses that maybe he said the wrong thing with his, “God D***,” remarks and tried to subtly defend it by saying once again, “it is in the Bible!” It’s funny, but I just cannot for the life of me find those words in the Bible. I am a Christian and I do know the Bible pretty well, but maybe someone could point that out to me. I know that the Bible says to not use the Lords name in vain. I know it says not to swear. Oh well … I will digress.

I’ve got to say that Mr. Wright really jumped off the roof when he stated that the victims of 9/11 were to blame for their fate. Such callous words spewed forth from a preacher is something one does not expect, and so I was taken aback a little bit.

In conclusion, after listening to most of the Reverend Wright’s sermon, I must declare that his words were most definitely in context, concise and easily understood. His sermon was hateful, racist, and unbecoming of one that claims to be a preacher for Jesus Christ. His sermon was not a sermon of love, but a sermon of catering. He preached what the congregation wanted to hear, and it is easy to see this by hearing the people clapping, jeering and cheering when Mr. Wright declared something from far out in left field.

I forgive Mr. Wright and Trinity however, because I am a Christian and that is the right thing to do according to the New Testament of Jesus Christ. However, Mr. Wright needs to think about repentance. God is more keen on forgiveness than we are, and besides, it would be so sad to die an angry and unrepentant man.

Greetings Fellow Patriots

I am a Conservative and love my country. And, I have opinions. Of course, not all will agree with me on every thought, and I do not expect everyone to. But as Americans we should wish for a better place for our children, and, grand-children. I would hope that all thinking Americans reflect on the dreams and aspirations of our Forefathers and their Fathers before them. This is, and has been a great country for some 200 years, and I pray that we can somehow pull together and keep America vital and strong for years to come.
I welcome all thoughts and comments from truthful and serious readers. Thank you.
"A cruce salus"

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