Posts Tagged 'John McCain'

Mr. President; YOU Are Misguided

 illegalaliensWhere does one start when it comes to the illegal alien snafu here in America? Every sane person understands that this problem should not exist in the first place, yet here we are. And to even have to talk about this subject is as ridiculous as the situation. 

Would it seem that one should start with federal law? Does the sun set and rise on Barack Hussein Obama in his mind? Of course it comes down to federal law. We are a nation of laws. Mexico is a nation of laws, yet their president alludes that we should treat his people that are here in America illegally with kid gloves? We should extend to them a sort of welcoming party. It’s funny that Mexico’s immigration system is much like our own. Except for the fact that those caught illegally in president Calderon’s country are treated much harsher.

How insane can one be to allow this nut to Washington, in our Congress, to throw his weight around? And the real kicker came as our left wing nut officials clapped and gave him standing ovations. He was here because Obama and his loony bunch wanted him here. And oh how the liberals loved how Calderon accused Arizona of indiscretions against his people. They loved how Calderon verbally spanked one of our States like a misbehaving step child.

President Obama claims Arizona is “misguided” in their decision to take care of this “misguided problem” that grows worse by the day. That’s his favorite catch phrase for this situation by the way. But I want to know how Arizona is misguided when after all, they are actually following the law of the land? The very law that Obama as president should be standing for. He did take the oath to protect  and serve these United States, did he not? You know Mr. president, the Constitution?

Let me be clear, I don’t blame Obama any more than I blame the previous administrations that allowed illegal’s to wander across our border with Mexico, and, turned a blind eye as they did so. Both Republican and Democrat’s totally share the blame. I cannot for the life of me figure out why this problem has never been addressed by our court system though.

However, as sure as I’m sitting here right now, the present administration is gearing up for action. And this action will not be good for any opposition to the Obama administration. This will lead to 11 million plus illegal’s being handed a fast track American citizenship. And the reason in doing so is not out of “love.” It will happen because Obama and crew can rest assured that with 11 to 20 million new voters, 3 quarters of these new voters will help lock him in for a second term as president. 

Attorney General Eric Holder was asked if he had read the 16 page law drafted and signed in Arizona, and after stammering and falling over his words he finally admitted that he had not read it. Great! Next it was our Homeland Security official’s  turn. Senator John McCain asked Miss Napolitano the same question. Yes, same question, same results. Just as Holder she stated that she “glanced through it” but had not read it. Once again we have more proof that the Obama gang are inept, incompetent and are a bunch of bungling oafs.

land of free lunch I would like to ask president Obama, what does your statement to Mexican president Calderon and the American people, “we are not defined by our borders” mean? Is he and his “progressive” minstrels attempting to give away our sovereignty too? Who gave Obama the right  to make such an irrational and unpatriotic statement as this? Who is he to be so misguided as to either forget who we are, or maybe he has never known who we are to begin with? With the type of mentors and associations he has had all his life I would guess that he has never known real truth in the first place. 

We are, and always have been, defined by our borders! For over 2 hundred year’s we have been the melting pot for foreigners’ that have viewed our way of life as the epitome of freedom. The American dream, “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” is more than just a phrase. I guarantee it meant more to the many people that viewed the Statue of Liberty as they entered in to this, the American dream, the land of the free.

I would like to end with these comments by columnist Byron York:

[W]hen President Obama discussed the new Arizona immigration law with Mexican President Felipe Calderon at the White House Wednesday, he was doing something he has never done with the governor of Arizona. Although Obama has repeatedly criticized the law, he has not once talked about it with Gov. Jan Brewer, nor is any such discussion in the works. … The bottom line is that Obama, the Justice Department, and the entire executive branch are on

Mexico’s side in this dispute. On the other hand, the majority of the American people are with Arizona.

Who’s “misguided” Mr. president?

Controversy, Intrigue And Questions

Controversy number 1.

It is going to be quite a task for John McCain to woo the Latino vote and at the same time appease the majority of Americans that are concerned about the illegal alien situation.

If you remember, John McCain joined Senator Ted Kennedy and the rest of the like minded political morons that wanted to just hand all the illegal’s a get out of jail free card and receive $200.00 for passing go. Of course we the people would have footed the bill, (we already do in many cases) and the illegal’s would have been given U.S. citizen status by taking cuts in the Americanizing line.

This did not sit too well with American residents and all hell broke loose. Three times the political snake charmers tried to sneak their generous mind-blowing offerings on the books, and three times they were told, “no mas,” by the American public.

And now, once again would you believe that right now, this hour, Nancy Pelosi and her far left Liberal brothers and sisters in arms are up to their old tricks once again by trying to sneak in a bill that would safely harbor illegal’s? I got to hand it to them, they sure are tenacious. Stupid, but tenacious.

And here we now are. It seems that we will be choosing between McCain and Obama come election time, unfortunately. Some choice eh?

Controversy Number 2.

I cannot for the life of me understand how we the people cannot see through this Obama charade.

For instance, it was noted the other day that the Rev. Wright stated to Mr. Obama when he first entered the Trinity church some twenty years ago that, “you won’t receive no feathers in your cap by attending here.”

Now, just how many ways can you interpret that statement. Did the good Reverend mean to say that Obama would be looked upon unfavorably? And if so, by whom and why?

Am I missing something here? I don’t think so. I think the statement speaks for itself. Wright knew that his church and their ideologies were contentious and even radical and racial. To say otherwise is a slap in the face of all good folk’s integrity.

With that said, either Barack Hussein Obama did not understand what Wright meant, or, he is and has been playing hide and seek with the truth. We surly know that he could not have been that dumb.

Is Obama ready to aver that he was surprised to learn these revelations just recently? I mean twenty years and he did not know what this church stands for and teaches?

Did Mr. Obama read the church bulletins? There has been some mighty far out articles in those papers, as have been revealed recently.

And to think that Obama had no knowledge of that nonsense is really quite ridiculous. He comes off as a rather intelligent man with common sense so what gives?

Neither Barack nor Michelle Obama are ignorant. Yet they would have us believe that they had no idea of the awful agenda that Trinity United Church of Christ peddled? Sorry, I just don’t buy into this silly notion. Not one iota.


Did Rush Limbaugh help to sway the the polls in Hillary’s favor in Indiana? Obama’s aides think so. They feel that Obama might have won Indiana and just may have won in North Carolina by a much wider margin if Limbaugh had not meddled.

Sounds like much ado about nothing if you ask me. If they can’t handle this, how in the world are they going to plod through a campaign against Senator McCain? I’ve got a feeling It will be a long road with plenty of whining from the Obama camp. Liberals are good at whining.

Oh, by the way, you must have noticed that I have insinuated Obama will be the Democratic candidate, right? Well, I have been hearing the fat lady singing for a month now, how about you?

This is going to be real interesting. Obama the far, far far Left Liberal against McCain the middle of the road Republican, who could really pass for a moderate Democrat. But not really. He’s just a, “maverick.”

Question 1.

Did Senator Barack Obama and former Weather Underground member William Ayers funnel money to Professor Rashid Khalidi, a known terrorist sympathizer?

If you do not know who Khalidi is then here is a short breakdown. Mr. Khalidi is a member of the faculty at Columbia University in New York. He was the individual that invited Iranian President Ahmedinejad to visit and speak at the University after he finished his speech at the United Nations this past winter.

This in itself is bad enough but Khalidi has direct ties to the Palestinian Liberation Organization, which of course is a group that is on the US State Department’s terrorist list.

Now, if we ignore other questionable activities and involvements with the other shady characters that we know about, we are still left with this disturbing and most suspect bit of news.

Obama’s track record is littered with half truths and out right lies. Should we just accept that he is a politician and all politician’s lie? Not in this case. The other charges against Obama no matter how big or small pale in comparison to this revelation.

If further interested, please read this:

Next time that you hear that Hezbollah and or Hamas supports Barack Obama, you had better think twice about the seriousness of such talk. No wonder Barack Hussein Obama has said he will meet with the leaders of these organizations.

And now I am left to wonder, why does Palestine and it’s supporters back Senator Barack Hussein Obama?

Question 2.

Today Barack Obama is madder than a wet hen. Why you ask? Well, President Bush and John McCain both have indicated that he (Obama) has said he would, if elected President, want to meet with all leaders of Terrorist States and Dictator’s of Countries that the US has named as unfriendly.

Senator Obama now says that he did not say those words. I beg to differ. He did say those words more than once. Obama realizes the hot water he has gotten himself into and is trying now to jump out of the bathtub.

But the problem is that Mr. Obama can get away with any and all falsehoods and shenanigans such as this because of the Democratic Liberal blind devotion. In

their eye’s he can do no wrong. His followers look like a bunch of, “no see, no talk and no hear monkeys.” He is an, “untouchable.”

Well, that worked good in Chicago when Elliot Ness was going after Capone. And it works well (I guess) in India with their caste system. But I’m afraid sooner or later Obama will have to give an account of his dealings and actions, along with his very unpatriotic wife Michelle.

So far he has only played softball, or in his case, basketball. However, shortly it will be major league baseball time. If Michelle Obama thinks the US is mean now, what will she think when the big leaguers get through with them? Ooo-Wee! Tags:

Greetings Fellow Patriots

I am a Conservative and love my country. And, I have opinions. Of course, not all will agree with me on every thought, and I do not expect everyone to. But as Americans we should wish for a better place for our children, and, grand-children. I would hope that all thinking Americans reflect on the dreams and aspirations of our Forefathers and their Fathers before them. This is, and has been a great country for some 200 years, and I pray that we can somehow pull together and keep America vital and strong for years to come.
I welcome all thoughts and comments from truthful and serious readers. Thank you.
"A cruce salus"

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